Steve Smith is currently the elected Public Defender of the 11th Judicial District. He serves as Vice-Chair of the Tennessee Public Defender's Conference. While public defenders nationwide have historically and chronically suffered a lack of resources and manpower, during his first term Steve expanded the number of attorneys from 13 to 21, all who help indigent residents of Hamilton County navigate the criminal justice system. Accounting for the representation of 86% of all defendants with criminal cases serious enough to retain counsel, Steve's office typically opens and closes 10,000 case files annually. In addition, the Office of the 11th oversaw the creation and establishment of the Chattanooga-Hamilton County Mental Health Court, and staffs the many recovery courts to divert as many people as possible directly into treatment and rehabilitation. Previously, Steve served as an assistant district attorney trying cases to juries in Division 1 of Criminal Court, served as a member of a small litigation firm and as an associate of a state wide firm. A graduate of the University of Memphis Law School, he also holds a B.S. degree in Geology, is a board member of the Bachman Community Center, an enthusiastic Big Brother and a fledgling sailor, gardener and musician.