The Charter of Chattanooga Bar Foundation
The purposes for which this corporation is organized are the establishment and support of any charitable, literary or educational activities, within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, that will promote the advancement or well-being of mankind, either directly or indirectly through its cooperation with public or private agencies having like purposes or objects, including, but not limited to:
To promote and improve the study of law and research therein, the diffusion of knowledge thereof, and the continuing education of lawyers.
To promote improvements in the administration of justice and the uniformity of judicial proceedings and decisions.
To elevate the ethical standards of the bench and bar, and to encourage compliance with these standards.
To improve relations between the members of the legal profession, the judiciary and the public.
To relieve, aid and assist, as charitable acts, deserving lawyers who shall be ill, incapacitated and superannuated and in need of aid.
To create scholarships for worthy applicants based upon moral standards, scholastic achievements, aptitude and need of financial assistance.
To advance the science of jurisprudence.
To provide funds for and promote any charitable undertaking deemed beneficial for the benefit of the community and recognized as exempt from federal taxation under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
To solicit, collect, receive, accumulate, administer and disburse funds and property in such a manner as will, in the sole discretion of the board of directors, most effectively operate to further the charitable, literary, or educational purposes of this corporation, either directly or by contributions to any organization described in Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, with the exception of organizations testing for public safety.
To do any or all of the things hereinabove set forth, and all things usual, necessary or proper in furtherance of or incidental to said purposes.
The Chattanooga Bar Foundation, a Tennessee Non-Profit Corporation, is the charitable and educational arm of the Chattanooga Bar Association through which the Bar supports worthwhile charities and participates in community service, outreach programs, and educational projects. The Foundation was incorporated in 1989 and is a qualified charitable organization under the Internal Revenue Service.
The funding of this Foundation comes from the Fellows. The Chattanooga Bar Foundation's Fellows Program is patterned after similar programs of the American Bar Association and the Tennessee Bar Association. The number of lawyers eligible to be elected as fellows is limited.
To be honored as a Fellow, a lawyer must be a member of the Chattanooga Bar Association, must be at least 35 years of age and must be licensed and practicing law for at least 10 years. Only lawyers who are judged to have outstanding records of service to the bar and to the community are so honored.
Chattanooga Bar Association | The Pioneer Building | Suite 420 | 801 Broad Street | Chattanooga, TN 37402
CBA Telephone: 423-756-3222 | FAX: 423-265-6602
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