The Chattanooga Bar Association is now offering Mesa CLE.

Getting your CLE Credit has never been so easy! Just sign up (below), show up (virtually) and

enjoy the show!

Mesa CLE was founded by Sean Carter, the country's foremost (and likely, only) Humorist at Law. Sean is a graduate of Harvard Law School and practiced corporate securities law for a decade before leaving the practice of law in 2002. Since then, he has crisscrossed the country delivering his "lawpsided" seminars for more than 350 bar associations, law firms and in-house corporate legal departments in more than 40 states.

In 2015, Sean started Mesa CLE as a way to allow him to spread the "lawgther" to an even greater number of attorneys. Since then, he has been joined by some of the nation's most dynamic CLE presenters. Together, they conduct more than 70 live webinars each year for lawyers across the country through our partnerships with state and local bar associations and other legal groups.


Even Minor Ethics Violations Can Have Major Consequences

Wednesday, Mar 5, 2025
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
1 hour of Dual
When it comes to ethics violations, there is no such thing as a minor or "technical" foul. All ethics violations are serious matters, evidencing a breach of the trust that has been placed in the lawyer. As a result, lawyers must avoid falling into the mindset that a particular violation is "no big deal."

To make this case, noted legal humorist Sean Carter will chronicle a number of recent ethics cases in which lawyers were surprised to discover that even minor ethics violations can have major consequences.

What lawyers from across the country are saying about this webinar ...

"Presenter is always a joy to watch."

"Always a great presenter and as funny a teacher as they come!"

"Always instructive, entertaining, informative and educational -- and damn fun too!!!"

" always!"

"Presenter was hilarious and informative best CLE hour in a long time"


Sean Carter
Mesa, AZ
Sean Carter is a Harvard Law grad, who spent a decade practicing securities law before leaving the practice of law to pursue a career as the country's foremost Humorist at Law.

Since then, Mr. Carter has crisscrossed the country delivering comedic professional educational seminars for more than 350 legal organizations in three dozen states. His presentation topics run the gamut from legal ethics to stress management to diversity. Yet, all of his presentations have one thing in common -- humor and plenty of it.

In fact, in 2003, Mr. Carter was dubbed "America's Funniest Lawyer" by The Radio and Television Interview Report.

Finally, Sean lives in Mesa, Arizona with his wife and four sons.


The Ethical Imperative for Civility

Tuesday, Mar 11, 2025
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
1 hour of Dual
As children, we were all taught, "If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all." Well, that advice holds especially true for lawyers. Whether in open court, a deposition, or contract negotiation, lawyers who choose to "go low," run a high risk of bar discipline. Increasingly, disciplinary authorities are treating the once aspirational goal of civility as a mandate. Therefore, it's important for all lawyers to be reminded of their obligation to "play nice."

What lawyers from across the country are saying about this webinar ...

"Topic was presented in an interesting and entertaining manner that helps drive home the message."

"I actually laughed out loud at some of the examples... definitely kept my attention"

"Laughed out lout a number of times. Very entertaining and informaitonal"

"Excellent presentation. RPC that I rarely have considered because I wrongly assume I would never be so stupid as to offend but given the social climate in our world lately an area that really needs attention by lawyers (and humans in general!). Presenter was funny as always - LOL'd on several occasions. Loved the slides too. Such an art to be able to add humor to this sensitive subject."

"Well done Sean. Like your style. Will attend another of yours sometime."


Sean Carter
Mesa, AZ
Sean Carter is a Harvard Law grad, who spent a decade practicing securities law before leaving the practice of law to pursue a career as the country's foremost Humorist at Law.

Since then, Mr. Carter has crisscrossed the country delivering comedic professional educational seminars for more than 350 legal organizations in three dozen states. His presentation topics run the gamut from legal ethics to stress management to diversity. Yet, all of his presentations have one thing in common -- humor and plenty of it.

In fact, in 2003, Mr. Carter was dubbed "America's Funniest Lawyer" by The Radio and Television Interview Report.

Finally, Sean lives in Mesa, Arizona with his wife and four sons.


What Lawyer Jokes Say About Our Ethical Foibles

Thursday, Mar 20, 2025
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
1 hour of Dual
In this one-of-a-kind ethics presentation, Mr. Carter explores the topic of lawyer jokes, whether they have any basis in fact and what they say about our adherence to the rules of professional conduct. He does so through the use of video clips dramatizing these jokes. He also will use audience polling and questions from attendees to spread the "laughter."

What lawyers from across the country are saying about this webinar ...

"A refreshing change of pace from most CLE's."

"Best Ethics CLE I've ever attended!"

"Creative CLE!"

"Great presentation. Very informative and entertaining."

"This was the best seminar yet. Sean was at the top of his game. He clearly loves presenting this seminar. I enjoyed it."


Sean Carter
Mesa, AZ
Sean Carter is a Harvard Law grad, who spent a decade practicing securities law before leaving the practice of law to pursue a career as the country's foremost Humorist at Law.

Since then, Mr. Carter has crisscrossed the country delivering comedic professional educational seminars for more than 350 legal organizations in three dozen states. His presentation topics run the gamut from legal ethics to stress management to diversity. Yet, all of his presentations have one thing in common -- humor and plenty of it.

In fact, in 2003, Mr. Carter was dubbed "America's Funniest Lawyer" by The Radio and Television Interview Report.

Finally, Sean lives in Mesa, Arizona with his wife and four sons.


Using A.I. in Contract Drafting

Wednesday, Mar 26, 2025
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
1 hour of Dual
Embark on an exploratory journey into the future of legal practice by getting on-board for this cutting-edge webinar designed to illuminate the transformative impact of artificial intelligence on contract drafting. Join us as we navigate our way towards boldly drafting like no lawyer has drafted before.

What lawyers from across the country are saying about this webinar ...

"Excellent! Thank you!"

What your local colleagues are saying about webinars presented by this faculty ...

"The presenter was awesome!"

What lawyers across the country are saying about webinars presented by this faculty ...

"I wish all lawyers had to take this."

"Excellent program! Thank you."

"Very well done; inspired speaker"


Sean Carter
Mesa, AZ
Sean Carter is a Harvard Law grad, who spent a decade practicing securities law before leaving the practice of law to pursue a career as the country's foremost Humorist at Law.

Since then, Mr. Carter has crisscrossed the country delivering comedic professional educational seminars for more than 350 legal organizations in three dozen states. His presentation topics run the gamut from legal ethics to stress management to diversity. Yet, all of his presentations have one thing in common -- humor and plenty of it.

In fact, in 2003, Mr. Carter was dubbed "America's Funniest Lawyer" by The Radio and Television Interview Report.

Finally, Sean lives in Mesa, Arizona with his wife and four sons.


The Ethical Way to Bill for Legal Services

Wednesday, Apr 2, 2025
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
1 hour of Dual
While it is important for lawyers to be compensated for their services, it is even more important for lawyers to use ethical billing and collection practices in securing such compensation. Drawing on examples provided by current and past nominees from his annual Ethy Awards for the worst ethical behavior, legal humorist Sean Carter will provide a poignant reminder of how NOT to bill clients and collect fees. And in the process, he will reinforce the relevant legal ethics principles underlying such practices.

What your local colleagues are saying about this webinar ...

"The presenter was awesome!"

What lawyers from across the country are saying about this webinar ...

"The best CLE presenter I've encountered in my 25 years of practice."

"Excellent seminar. Very enjoyable and entertaining."

"An easy way to fulfill an hour of ethics credit over the lunch break!"

"First time on a Sean Carter webinar. I'd recommend."


Sean Carter
Mesa, AZ
Sean Carter is a Harvard Law grad, who spent a decade practicing securities law before leaving the practice of law to pursue a career as the country's foremost Humorist at Law.

Since then, Mr. Carter has crisscrossed the country delivering comedic professional educational seminars for more than 350 legal organizations in three dozen states. His presentation topics run the gamut from legal ethics to stress management to diversity. Yet, all of his presentations have one thing in common -- humor and plenty of it.

In fact, in 2003, Mr. Carter was dubbed "America's Funniest Lawyer" by The Radio and Television Interview Report.

Finally, Sean lives in Mesa, Arizona with his wife and four sons.


The Ethical Pros and Cons of Using AI

Tuesday, Apr 8, 2025
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
1 hour of Dual
ChatGPT and other AI generative language models are changing the way that we do business and practice law. And while AI will not replace the need for lawyers in the foreseeable future, it will drastically change how lawyers go about plying their craft.

In this forward-looking webinar, legal humorist Sean Carter will give you a sneak preview of the ethical pros and cons of utilizing this game-changing technology.

What lawyers from across the country are saying about this webinar ...

"I learned alot and can see the value of Al in the practice of law."

"It was a fun quick and relevant webinar. I liked the real-time examples."

"Excellent introductory presentation on ChatGPT and AI with their inevitable entry into the practice of law."

"Like the survey said: AI is here we don't really have a choice. That said I am excited about how AI use can improve legal representation."

"Changed my views on this great job."


Sean Carter
Mesa, AZ
Sean Carter is a Harvard Law grad, who spent a decade practicing securities law before leaving the practice of law to pursue a career as the country's foremost Humorist at Law.

Since then, Mr. Carter has crisscrossed the country delivering comedic professional educational seminars for more than 350 legal organizations in three dozen states. His presentation topics run the gamut from legal ethics to stress management to diversity. Yet, all of his presentations have one thing in common -- humor and plenty of it.

In fact, in 2003, Mr. Carter was dubbed "America's Funniest Lawyer" by The Radio and Television Interview Report.

Finally, Sean lives in Mesa, Arizona with his wife and four sons.


Saturday, Apr 12, 2025
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
2 hours of Dual
Each year, Hollywood celebrates the best performances in motion pictures at the Oscars. Well, in this program, we note the worst ethics violations in the legal profession at the Ethys. Humorist Sean Carter will host the festivities and announce the award winners in such categories as: Worst Original Excuse, Best Courtroom Outburst, Most Creative Billing, Least Competent, and much more. In the process of recapping some of the most egregious instances of unethical behavior, Mr. Carter will demonstrate how the rest of us can avoid more common ethical violations.

What lawyers from across the country are saying about this webinar ...


"Informative and Entertaining"

What your local colleagues are saying about webinars presented by this faculty ...

"The presenter was awesome!"

What lawyers across the country are saying about webinars presented by this faculty ...

"Very informative and entertaining. A winning combination."

"I wish all lawyers had to take this."


Sean Carter
Mesa, AZ
Sean Carter is a Harvard Law grad, who spent a decade practicing securities law before leaving the practice of law to pursue a career as the country's foremost Humorist at Law.

Since then, Mr. Carter has crisscrossed the country delivering comedic professional educational seminars for more than 350 legal organizations in three dozen states. His presentation topics run the gamut from legal ethics to stress management to diversity. Yet, all of his presentations have one thing in common -- humor and plenty of it.

In fact, in 2003, Mr. Carter was dubbed "America's Funniest Lawyer" by The Radio and Television Interview Report.

Finally, Sean lives in Mesa, Arizona with his wife and four sons.


From the Don't Try This At Home Series

Thursday, Apr 17, 2025
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
1 hour of Dual
Lawyers on our favorite TV legal dramas often act in ways that would cause significant trouble for actual lawyers. In this multimedia webinar, legal humorist Sean Carter will use short video clips from the very popular series, Boston Legal , to demonstrate some of the legal ethics violations that played out on the show. In doing so, Carter hopes to show you how to keep your professional life from imitating art.

What lawyers from across the country are saying about this webinar ...

"Entertaining. Wish it was longer!"

"Informative and funny...I will look for Mr. Carter's CLEs again!"

"Great conf!"

"Good presentation!"

"This was fun and informative!"


Sean Carter
Mesa, AZ
Sean Carter is a Harvard Law grad, who spent a decade practicing securities law before leaving the practice of law to pursue a career as the country's foremost Humorist at Law.

Since then, Mr. Carter has crisscrossed the country delivering comedic professional educational seminars for more than 350 legal organizations in three dozen states. His presentation topics run the gamut from legal ethics to stress management to diversity. Yet, all of his presentations have one thing in common -- humor and plenty of it.

In fact, in 2003, Mr. Carter was dubbed "America's Funniest Lawyer" by The Radio and Television Interview Report.

Finally, Sean lives in Mesa, Arizona with his wife and four sons.


The Ethical Need for Prompt Client Communication

Tuesday, Apr 22, 2025
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
1 hour of Dual
While it is important to comply with every obligation of the ethics canon, the obligation to promptly communicate with the client may be the most important. Lawyers who flaunt this rule leave their clients with no choice but to contact the state bar in a desperate attempt to seek answers to their questions. And, of course, by that point, the disciplinary authorities will have a long list of questions of their own.

In this insightful webinar, legal humorist Sean Carter will provide lawyers with practical tips for how to meet the increasingly difficult of burden of talking, emailing and texting to each client's content.

What lawyers from across the country are saying about this webinar ...

"Very informative and hilarious! The hardest I have laughed at a CLE ever!"

"He made ethics entertaining. Not an easy task."

"Refreshingly interesting motivational and humorous. I don't think I've ever said that about a CLE before."

"Excellent course! Sean Carter is informative and funny."

"Loved this presenter and his perspective. He made it very easy to follow and relate to on a daily level. Please have more CLE's with him! Thank you!"


Sean Carter
Mesa, AZ
Sean Carter is a Harvard Law grad, who spent a decade practicing securities law before leaving the practice of law to pursue a career as the country's foremost Humorist at Law.

Since then, Mr. Carter has crisscrossed the country delivering comedic professional educational seminars for more than 350 legal organizations in three dozen states. His presentation topics run the gamut from legal ethics to stress management to diversity. Yet, all of his presentations have one thing in common -- humor and plenty of it.

In fact, in 2003, Mr. Carter was dubbed "America's Funniest Lawyer" by The Radio and Television Interview Report.

Finally, Sean lives in Mesa, Arizona with his wife and four sons.


Tacking Litigation Using A.I.

Wednesday, Apr 23, 2025
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
3 hours of Dual
This engaging and practical workshop will guide you through real-world applications of A.I., from streamlining discovery processes to crafting persuasive arguments and enhancing case strategy. Using the iconic humor and insights you've come to expect, this session will demonstrate how to save time, increase efficiency, and achieve better outcomes for your clients—all while tackling the tribbles of modern legal practice.

Whether you're a seasoned litigator or just beginning to explore the potential of AI, this session will provide the tools and inspiration to boldly litigate where no lawyer has gone before!

What your local colleagues are saying about webinars presented by this faculty ...

"The presenter was awesome!"

What lawyers across the country are saying about webinars presented by this faculty ...

"Very informative and entertaining. A winning combination."

"I wish all lawyers had to take this."

"Excellent program! Thank you."

"Very well done; inspired speaker"


Sean Carter
Mesa, AZ
Sean Carter is a Harvard Law grad, who spent a decade practicing securities law before leaving the practice of law to pursue a career as the country's foremost Humorist at Law.

Since then, Mr. Carter has crisscrossed the country delivering comedic professional educational seminars for more than 350 legal organizations in three dozen states. His presentation topics run the gamut from legal ethics to stress management to diversity. Yet, all of his presentations have one thing in common -- humor and plenty of it.

In fact, in 2003, Mr. Carter was dubbed "America's Funniest Lawyer" by The Radio and Television Interview Report.

Finally, Sean lives in Mesa, Arizona with his wife and four sons.


How Implicit Biases Manifest in the Legal Profession

Tuesday, Apr 29, 2025
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
1 hour of General
The human brain is wired to recognize patterns and make generalizations, even those based on faulty or incomplete information. And contrary to popular opinion, lawyers are human as well and therefore, we are just as susceptible to forming biases and acting upon them. And it does not require that we harbor ill will or animus towards other people. In fact, most often, our biases are not even our own, but rather those that have been taught to us.

In this eye-opening presentation, the presenter will use videos to show lawyers just how easy it is to form these biases, how they manifest themselves in the way we treat clients, colleagues and opposing parties, and most importantly, how we can reduce the effect of these biases by recognizing and compensating for them.

What lawyers from across the country are saying about this webinar ...

"This is by far one of the best presenters on this topic at a CLE that I have attended. Really enjoyed his humor and the presentation as a whole."

"Best Bias seminar I have ever attended"

"Content was great. Short and quick and interesting presenter. Now that I am aware of how bias I am I need a longer course."

"Almost passed on this one. Would have missed one of the best."

"I really enjoyed this seminar and learned so much! Thank you for giving me new ways to understand and talk about bias."


Sean Carter
Mesa, AZ
Sean Carter is a Harvard Law grad, who spent a decade practicing securities law before leaving the practice of law to pursue a career as the country's foremost Humorist at Law.

Since then, Mr. Carter has crisscrossed the country delivering comedic professional educational seminars for more than 350 legal organizations in three dozen states. His presentation topics run the gamut from legal ethics to stress management to diversity. Yet, all of his presentations have one thing in common -- humor and plenty of it.

In fact, in 2003, Mr. Carter was dubbed "America's Funniest Lawyer" by The Radio and Television Interview Report.

Finally, Sean lives in Mesa, Arizona with his wife and four sons.


A CLE Game Show

Wednesday, Apr 30, 2025
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
1 hour of Dual
In Ethical Jeopardy, you will compete against lawyers from across the country in answering legal ethics-related questions, such as the one below:

Which of the following is NOT grounds to disclose client information?

  • To prevent death or harm to another person
  • To defend oneself against civil, criminal or disciplinary charges
  • To impress prospective clients
  • To prevent fraud

    Through the polling feature on our platform, lawyers will be allowed to make their selections. At the end of the program, each participant will receive their score, along with their "player ranking." Oh yeah, and you just might learn something in the process.

What lawyers from across the country are saying about this webinar ...

"Excellent program. I loved the format. Best ethics seminar I have ever attended. Loved the host."

"Loved this format for a CLE. It really kept it interactive and I learned a lot. Great presentation."

"This was best ethics CLE I have attended."

"I enjoyed this seminar and particularly the game show format."

"It was great!"


Sean Carter
Mesa, AZ
Sean Carter is a Harvard Law grad, who spent a decade practicing securities law before leaving the practice of law to pursue a career as the country's foremost Humorist at Law.

Since then, Mr. Carter has crisscrossed the country delivering comedic professional educational seminars for more than 350 legal organizations in three dozen states. His presentation topics run the gamut from legal ethics to stress management to diversity. Yet, all of his presentations have one thing in common -- humor and plenty of it.

In fact, in 2003, Mr. Carter was dubbed "America's Funniest Lawyer" by The Radio and Television Interview Report.

Finally, Sean lives in Mesa, Arizona with his wife and four sons.


A CLE Game Show

Wednesday, Apr 30, 2025
2:15 pm - 3:15 pm ET
1 hour of Dual
In Who Wants to be Disbarred?, you will compete against lawyers from across the country in answering legal ethics-related questions, such as the one below:

Which of the following conflicts of interest is prohibited by the ethics canon?

  • Being related to the client
  • Going to the same high school as the judge
  • Being close friends with opposing counsel
  • Lending money to the client

    Through the polling feature on our platform, lawyers will be allowed to make their selections. At the end of the program, each participant will receive their score, along with their "player ranking." Oh yeah, and you just might learn something in the process.

What lawyers from across the country are saying about this webinar ...

"Sean is a great presenter I love his humor and nonjudgmental approach!"

"That was a great way to do an ethics program!"

"Great as usual!"


"Fresh approach to teaching needed content"


Sean Carter
Mesa, AZ
Sean Carter is a Harvard Law grad, who spent a decade practicing securities law before leaving the practice of law to pursue a career as the country's foremost Humorist at Law.

Since then, Mr. Carter has crisscrossed the country delivering comedic professional educational seminars for more than 350 legal organizations in three dozen states. His presentation topics run the gamut from legal ethics to stress management to diversity. Yet, all of his presentations have one thing in common -- humor and plenty of it.

In fact, in 2003, Mr. Carter was dubbed "America's Funniest Lawyer" by The Radio and Television Interview Report.

Finally, Sean lives in Mesa, Arizona with his wife and four sons.


A CLE Game Show

Wednesday, Apr 30, 2025
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm ET
1 hour of Dual
In this interactive game modeled after the popular television game show, you will be presented with 30 briefcases. Each briefcase contains the details of an actual disciplinary case that was filed against a U.S. lawyer. When you select a case, you will hear the facts of the case and then, as counsel for the respondent, you will be offered a "deal" (e.g., a reprimand, 1-year suspension, etc.). You will then be asked to accept the proposed discipline or to reject it, in hopes that the actual sanction imposed was less severe than the proposed sanction. If you choose correctly (accepting a good deal or rejecting a bad deal), you will be awarded the points contained in that briefcase.
At the end of the hour, you will see how your score compares to other lawyers across the country.

What lawyers from across the country are saying about this webinar ...

"This was the best Legal Ethics presentation I have ever done. I love the interaction with all the participants...excellent learning experience."

"It was entertaining and a creative way to have audience interaction."

"Fun way to earn ethics credits! Sean Carter is one of the best."


What your local colleagues are saying about webinars presented by this faculty ...

"The presenter was awesome!"


Sean Carter
Mesa, AZ
Sean Carter is a Harvard Law grad, who spent a decade practicing securities law before leaving the practice of law to pursue a career as the country's foremost Humorist at Law.

Since then, Mr. Carter has crisscrossed the country delivering comedic professional educational seminars for more than 350 legal organizations in three dozen states. His presentation topics run the gamut from legal ethics to stress management to diversity. Yet, all of his presentations have one thing in common -- humor and plenty of it.

In fact, in 2003, Mr. Carter was dubbed "America's Funniest Lawyer" by The Radio and Television Interview Report.

Finally, Sean lives in Mesa, Arizona with his wife and four sons.

Mesa CLE was founded by Sean Carter, the country's foremost (and likely, only) Humorist at Law. Sean is a graduate of Harvard Law School and practiced corporate securities law for a decade before leaving the practice of law in 2002. Since then, he has crisscrossed the country delivering his "lawpsided" seminars for more than 350 bar associations, law firms and in-house corporate legal departments in more than 40 states.

In 2015, Sean started Mesa CLE as a way to allow him to spread the "lawgther" to an even greater number of attorneys. Since then, he has been joined by some of the nation's most dynamic CLE presenters. Together, they conduct more than 70 live webinars each year for lawyers across the country through our partnerships with state and local bar associations and other legal groups.

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As a general policy, there are no cancellations allowed once you register for a particular webinar as there are a limited number of seats available. However, in the case of an emergency, we may able to transfer your registration in one webinar to another webinar being conducted within 30 days of the original webinar date. However, any such transfers must be first approved by your bar association (or other sponsoring entity).

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